Course Descriptions
Ccomplete list of all courses offered at TSH.
First Period • 8:45am-9:35am
Intermediate Strings
Intermediate Strings is a class for students who have successfully completed the Beginning Strings class. This is not a class for rookies. Students are expected to practice at home, in addition to the class rehearsals each Friday. This class performs in December and in May. Students in grades 6-8 that are members of this class are eligible to sing with the Concert Choir
Beginning Band
Beginning Band is a class for rookies. No experience needed. Students will typically begin on Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Trombone or Percussion. Those students younger than fourth grade will need to get the teacher’s permission to join the class. Students are expected to practice 30 minutes, four days per week, at home, in addition to the class rehearsals each Friday. This class performs, with the Intermediate Band, in December and in May. Students in grades 6-8 that are members of this class are eligible to sing with the Concert Choir
Intermediate Band
Intermediate Band is a class for students who have successfully completed the Beginning Band class. This is not a class for rookies. Students are expected to practice 30 minutes, four days per week, at home, in addition to the class rehearsals each Friday. This class performs, with the Beginning Band, in December and in May. Students in grades 6-8 that are members of this class are eligible to sing with the Concert Choir
Middle School Choir
This is a Performance Class for students in grades 6-8. The class uses SAB choral arrangements. There is no audition for this class. The Middle School Choir performs in September, December, March and May. Students in grades 6-8 that are members of this class are eligible to sing with the Concert Choir
Second Period • 9:40am-11:05am
K/1 Music
This is a class for children who are in kindergarten or first grade. No experience needed. They do a lot of singing! Most of their music is in unison. They perform in December and May. (9:40am-10:20am)
2-5 Music
2-5 Music is a class for children who are in grades 2-5. No experience needed. They do a lot of singing! Some of their music is in unison, but two-part & even three-part singing is sometimes used. They perform in December and May. (10:20am-11:05am)
Beginning Strings
Beginning Strings is a class for rookies. No experience needed. Students will typically begin on Violin, Viola or Cello. Those students younger than fourth grade will need to get the teacher’s permission to join the class. Students are expected to practice at home each week, in addition to the class rehearsals each Friday. This class performs in December and in May. (9:40am-10:20am)
Concert Strings
Concert Strings class is new this year! It is designed as a high school level performance ensemble. Students should typically have a minimum of three years of experience on their instrument. The Concert Strings perform four times each school year.
Concert Band
Concert Band is for students that have completed the Intermediate Band, although there are times when a student currently enrolled in the Intermediate Band is also invited to play in the Concert Band. The Concert Band is a performance class, playing in all four of the concerts in the school year. The music selected for this ensemble would be at a middle school level. It is a steppingstone to the Wind Symphony. Students are required to practice, at home, a minimum of 30 minutes, four days per week.
Wind Symphony
Wind Symphony is an auditioned class that is designed to prepare band students for college. The Wind Symphony is a performance class, playing in all four of the concerts in the school year. The music selected for this ensemble would be at a high school and college level. Ideally, students coming into the Wind Symphony should have at least three years of experience on their instrument. Students are required to practice, at home, a minimum of 30 minutes, four days per week.
Third Period • 11:10am-12:30pm
Music Theory & Guitar
Music Theory is designed to convey in broad terms the development of western harmony, rooted in both liturgical and secular music. The central focus of the class will be to provide a foundation in functional harmony for the high school band student, with guitar as a vehicle for understanding intervals and harmony. Online resource available @
Concert Choir
Concert Choir is a non-auditioned, SATB, high school level course. Middle school students are allowed (and encouraged!) to sing with this ensemble, but only if they are enrolled in a class during the 1st Period (BB, IB, IST or MSC). The Concert Choir (CC) will combine with the Honors Choir (HC) for specific pieces, but will primarily perform independently.
Honors Choir
Honors Choir (HC) is an auditioned, SSAATTBB, high school level course. Members of the Honors Choir MUST EXPECT to rehearse at least 30 minutes per week at home. The Honors Choir performs at all four of the TSH concerts during the school year.
Fourth Period • 1:00pm-2:00pm
Lab Band
Lab Band is a feeder ensemble to the Jazz Band. The charts selected are playing high school level pieces. Ensemble consists of woodwind, brass, keyboard, guitar, bass & drum set. Typically, students are enrolled in Concert Band or Wind Symphony, but there are times that we allow students to join this class while they are also in the Intermediate Band. This class is by audition.
Flute Choir
Flute Choir is comprised of students whose primary instrument is Flute, and are enrolled in the Concert Band or Wind Symphony. There are times, however, when Intermediate Band flute players qualify. This class is by audition.
Jazz Band
The Jazz Band is an auditioned, high school level course. Woodwind, Brass & Percussion players in the Jazz Band must be members of the Wind Symphony or Concert Band. Pianists, Guitar & Bass players are encouraged, but not required, to be members of the Wind Symphony or Concert Band.