TSH students, this is your assignment page and a way to communicate directly with me, Mr. Bowen. Here's your syllabus. Check this page no later than the following Monday after Friday's class. we'll be using this website for the duration of the course. https://www.musictheory.net/
Circle of 5ths.
We're starting here. We'll be doing some interval identification and basic analysis this next Friday. Click here for staff paper.
We'll go as far as we can in class discussing diatonic(within a key) and non-diatonic intervals (out of key.) Click here for a somewhat comprehensive general interval reference list. We'll go through these and try to come up with more recent examples.Also, here's a document for identifying intervals and chord tones within a key. Download it and print a few off. We'll probably use these in the next several classes.

Functional Hearing, Major, Natural Relative Minor, Harmonic Minor, & Melodic Minor.
Download this pdf for class activity.
Continuing learning to hear intervals, triad quality, Dominant to Tonic relationship, and guidelines for melodic dictation.
Staff paper and pencil required for class on this day. Click here for staff paper. Go ahead and print off a few extra of these pdfs. I've added natural and harmonic minor, as well as major.


Hands-on melodic dictation and sight-singing.
Once again, staff paper and pencil required for class on this day. Click here for staff paper. Here are a few pages of what we're doing. I'll go through all of it with you as we begin developing our methods for hearing and transcribing melodic passages.
More Ear Training, triads, 7th chords, and inversions/figured bass
Click here for staff paper. Here comes the theory.. We're going to talk about how written music is analyzed. Eventually, each of you will be able to analyze a piece of music and have a broader understanding of why the music we appreciate sounds the way it does. Look at inversions on MusicTheory.net. We'll unpack triad and seventh chord inversions and a bit of Roman numeral analysis in a piece of music. You'll need to reference your scale/chord system charts, so have those handy.

Harmonic Analysis

Harmonic analysis, cadences, and phrases. We'll use some familiar hymns for analysis. We'll be drawing on everything we've done so far to provide a solid theoretical analysis of these familiar hymns, which you can download here. Have you ever had to do a massive research paper? Dissect some animal for biology? Work though incredibly complex mathematical equations for trig or calculus? Lose your mind beating some boss in a video game? This is the best of all of those activities.